In one of the largest and most challenging Chain Reaction Challenge events yet, more than 50 cycling enthusiasts set out on a gruelling 7-day, 1,000-kilometre corporate charity ride in Adelaide earlier this year. They did all this to raise funds for children at AEIOU.
When the peloton pushed off in March, more than 60% of the 48 riders were tackling the event for the first time, bringing new energy and perspectives to the ride.
Among them was Rhombus PM director Daniel Litherland, who swapped his business suit for Lycra to conquer the Adelaide hills.
He said while he anticipated the training and the ride itself would be tough, he felt the real challenge would be reaching the fundraising goal. However, the group conquered both challenges, cracking a $1 million target in unprecedented fashion.
Chain Reaction CEO Adam Parrott said this was a triumph, and testament to the dedication of the riders and their supporters.
“This year’s ride was awe-inspiring. We saw tough weather conditions coupled with a steep, winding course. The cyclists really pushed through some tough boundaries, supporting each other at every pedal of the way,” he said.“ Along the ride, we recognise the cyclists and award competition jerseys in addition to arm bands for those who are marking ride milestones.”
This year’s Chain Reaction Challenge was a triumph and testament to the dedication of cyclists and supporters.
The AEIOU and Chain Reaction Challenge partnership stretches over more than a decade, with cyclists generating more than $3.8 million for children at AEIOU across this time. The funds have been directed to capital construction costs for new centres, playgrounds, resources, and more.
This year’s ride supported the rebuild of AEIOU’s centre in Camira, Ipswich.